Sign-Up Instructions

Visit Penn State Software Request ( The site will ask if you are a member of Penn State, or Penn College.

Select Penn State.

The next screen will be the standard Penn State sign-in screen, where you can enter your Penn State information. If you are already signed in, it may log you in automatically so you can continue to the next step. 

Once you’re logged in, you will see the Software Request home page. Choose Order/Reorder under Acrobat Pro from the options. 

logos for three Adobe options
Order/Reorder Adobe Acrobat Pro

On the next page, please agreed to the conduct statement and confirm your order by clicking on the button that says Order/Reorder Adobe Acrobat Pro. 

Once you’ve signed up, you will receive a confirmation email at your Penn State email address. You may need to confirm by clicking the link in your email.

You will receive a second email, this time from Adobe when your account is active, at which point you will have access to Adobe Acrobat Pro. 

Logging In and Downloading Apps

Once you’ve created an Adobe account through Penn State, you will want to make sure to login using this account to start using Adobe Acrobat Pro.

To begin, head over to and click on “Sign In” in the top-right corner. Alternatively, you can download the Adobe Acrobat Pro app and sign in there.

Anytime you sign in to Adobe Acrobat Pro, you will see the Adobe sign in screen, pictured above.

Enter your Penn State Email address and click Continue

If you have both a personal and a school account associated with your Penn State email address you will see the screen above. Select Company or School account to proceed. 

login screen shot

If you don’t have a personal account or once you’ve clicked Company or School Account, you will be directed to log in through WebAccess. Note: This step might be skipped if you are already logged into another Penn State service in another tab. 

Enter your Penn State user name and password and click Log In. Then, download Adobe Acrobat Pro.

Adobe Acrobat Pro

Account Support

Need some help with setting up your Adobe Creative Cloud account? Contact an IT service desk through one of the following methods:

IT Service Desk
Phone: 814-865-HELP (4357)